We are pleased to invite you to the launch of the new Interest Group Models4Privacy. The goal is to build a broad community that can expand on the efforts of the PDP4E and take privacy-by-model concepts and standardization initiatives beyond GDPR requirements.
The objective is to develop a series of open and reusable engineering models for privacy protection that can be applied across consumer applications, IoT applications, and data processing. Read more…
Please join us for this event!
A heartfelt thank you to the founding members of this interest group who are driving positive change and innovation: Ann Cavoukian, Ph.D., Michelle Chibba, Antonio Kung, Michael Plagge, Yod Samuel Martín, Sharon Corbett, Dimitri Van Landuyt, Stefan Bischoff, Mark Hoffmann, Jonathan Fox, Steve Hickman, Diana E. Jimenez Bejarano, Justine Privat, Estíbaliz Arzoz Fernández to then increase the community.

PDP4E project is finished (2018-2021)
Privacy Data Protection for Engineering
Awareness to be compliant with Privacy and Data Protection principles has been sometimes a forgotten area in engineering. For many engineers privacy engineering was a term that seemed to be far from their daily work of development and implementations. During the last decade, Privacy engineering has increased its presence and importance. Besides, after the GDPR entrance in force, it has become essential in complex ecosystems where the engineering is a core part of new businesses, such as Smart Grid, Big Data, Connected Vehicles, Banking…
- Privacy by Design
Privacy and data protection integrated into methods and software tools for engineer.

GDPR: rules written to be privacy compliant.
Guidelines and techniques for applying privacy

PDP4E Solution
PDP4E aims to widespread the creation of products, systems and services that better protect the privacy and personal data of EU citizens. By endowing software and systems engineers with methods and software tools on data protection principles applications.
The overall project objective is to widespread the creation of products, systems and services that better protect the privacy and personal data of EU citizens.

Facilitating Privacy by Design
PDP4E will integrate privacy by design and data protection activities within existent mainstream software and system engineering methods. The application of PDP4E methods and tools will ease the engineering of GDPR compliant products.

Supporting engineers with Privacy
The project will facilitate the integration of new privacy and data protection requirements, such as the GDPR, into engineers activities. To do so, PDP4E will design open-source software tools that aim to guide them in the development of more privacy aware software.

Developing Privacy engineering community
PDP4E will nurture the existent privacy engineering community and foster the creation of an Alliance for Privacy and Data Protection Engineering, particularly due to its results which will contribute to standardization activities.

Risk Management
Supporting development and legal departments in collaboration on the identification of data Risks, on its assessment and selection of technical mitigation strategies.

Engineering Requirements
Operationalization of privacy and data protection constraints, posed by standards and compliance-oriented data protection regulations, into tangible requirements.

Privacy-aware design
Providing design strategies and model-oriented annotations so that developments teams can embed privacy aspects on the architecture of new solutions.

Assurance Management
A tool for product management boards to collect evidences (from the development and operationalization phases) that showcase compliance with Data Protection Regulations and Standards.
The results applicability will be demonstrated in two innovative areas which face specific challenges on data protection issues. These pilots will allow project’ partners to both capture the user needs and validate the intermediate and final results.

Connected Vehicles
Cooperation between vehicles will be key to make autonomous vehicles a reality. But such vision comes together with compromises on the privacy of drivers. This pilot will demonstrate how these compromises are tackled from a Privacy by Design perspective.
Big Data on Smart Grid
Big Data is among the new technologies in which privacy and data protection are critical. The pilot demonstration will assess results in terms of both, smart grid and big data factors.